Monday 30 July 2012

Brill new lawnmower

Or I should say new Brill lawnmower or Brill new Brill lawnmower
It is a manual mower, a Brill Razercut 33 which sounds snazzy huh?
We also have a Bosche hand mower and this one is WAY better. Unfortunately it arrived missing a screw. It works without it but a piece that holds the handle on works it's way loose as you mow and then leaps in to the blades which isn't ideal. Despite this I mowed our lawn in super quick time. I didn't time it, but was MUCH easier than with the Bosche which is pretty much impossible when the lawn is as long and shaggy as ours started out.
It still needs work as it is a bit patchy and has big holes in it (due to the cow escape) and rather a lot of tufty grass but should improve now we have a lawnmower and will hopefully mow it more often (not ideal with a strimmer)

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