Friday 12 April 2013

Poppy is so good!

We went ski touring today (walking up then skiing down) in the ski area. I forgot the camera so there are no photos! It was a lovely sunny day and the snow is still really nice in the ski area. It took more than an hour to climb what the lift whisks you up in only a few minutes, but you have more of a feeling of satisfaction when you reach the top!
Skiing down Poppy could hardly keep up, it was funny watching her try to with her legs 'wheel spinning' in the snow. She couldn't believe we were going so fast! It took about 3 mins to ski back down what it had taken so long to climb up.
Anyway the point of this story is that at the end of the tour as we were just getting back to the car park we met another dog. Poppy and it (black lab maybe - an old one who should have known better!) greeted each other and then started running around together quite madly. The owner of the other dog started calling it, as he was just setting off and wanted it to go with him. It totally ignored him and continued prancing around with Poppy. So I called her and she came and sat as she is meant to. The other dog carried on frisking around her, and in the end his owner had to come and physically drag him away. Many times we have been shown up by Poppy totally ignoring us, so it was quite amazing and lovely to have Poppy show up another dog instead! What a good girl she is - some of the time - but it give us hope! She was way prettier than the other dog too...

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